Do you want to train on Garda Lake?
From today you can do it with
Alexandra Stalder, Silvia Speri and Luigi Rago
Do you want to train on Garda Lake?
From today you can do it with Alexandra Stalder, Silvia Speri and Luigi Rago
Alexandra can:
- Prepare a physical training program that you can use even when you are at home, short or long term.
- Follow and train you during sessions on the water in beautiful Lake Garda.
- Follow and train you during regattas, including international ones.
- Help you with annual season planning.
Alexandra is a 2nd Level dinghy coach and foil coach of the Italian Sailing Federation and has a Master’s degree in Sport Sciences.
She is currently the technical manager of Circolo Vela Torbole and supervises club teams.
In the past she has coached: Optimist, 420, 29er and 49er.
Silvia can:
- Prepare a physical training program that you can use even when you are at home, short or long term.
- Follow and train you during sessions on the water in beautiful Lake Garda.
- Follow and train you during regattas, including international ones.
Silvia is a 2nd Level coach of the Italian Sailing Federation and has a degree in Sports Science.
She currently coaches the Optimist team of Fraglia Vela Peschiera.
In the past she has coached: Optimist, 420, 29er and 49er.
Luigi Rago 420, 29er and 49er coach.
Luigi has been the coach in 420 and 49erFX of Alexandra and Silvia.
He is currently the coach of Fraglia Vela Riva’s 29er team.
Titles won:
- 2 place Isaf 420 men’s world championship 2013
- 2 place world championship Isaf 420 women’s 2016
- 1 place world championship u23 49erFX 2019
- 2 place world championship 29er 2022 and 2023
- 2 place world championship isaf 29er 2023
- 1 place world championship 29er 2024